Monday, June 28, 2010

Sporting Our Style Even on the Hottest of Days

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Though the weather today in Ottsville neared record highs we couldn't let that get in the way of everything we had to do. Sometimes you just have to add a hose to a soccer game or give schiah chofshit (free swim) as an alternative to running and yoga, we have to adapt whatever gets thrown our way. So on days like today, that means keeping the chanichim (campers) cool and hydrated. During hodaot (announcements) after meals we tell them "lishtot harbeh, harbeh mayim" (to drink a lot, a lot of water). This announcement was made after the chanichim got their first taste of Chef Nick's famous barbecue chicken and black bean burgers which left the chanichim and tzevet (staff) alike licking their fingers and asking for more.

This afternoon brings more fun as the chanichim start going to their daily sadnaot (workshops) lead by our excited specialist staff who will teach a new group of chanichim to explore some of the different things that Galil has to offer; like the gan (garden) and how all it grows, to low ropes and trust-building activities, to craft projects in the Melechet Yad, or to a taste of Israel lead by our Israeli staff. After sadnaot, the kids will find out their chugim (clubs/special interest groups) which they attend daily throughout the session. Some are pretty goofy, like acting like a pirate with Adiv and Leora, or celebrating the Holiday of the Day with Elissa and Kali and others take on more of a "serious" nature like making mini sculptures out of Soapstone with our Associate Director, Bart. No matter what the chanichim choose to do, chugim is definitely everyone's favorite part of the day.

Here are some madatz with chanichim keeping cool in the pool

And here is an all-ages soccer game going on with a hose ready on the other end of the field to cool off our hard-working players.

...Check out


1 comment:

  1. OMG! I that is the tzrif I stayed in, in 1963!! Reading all about the peulot (activities) brings back awesome memories! Melechet yad with Nikki! The command in chadar ochel after every meal: "PASS YOUR DISHES" and the pool, oh the wonderful pool. Maccabiah was great (Galil, Mosh and Naaleh met and competed in EVERYTHING: scouting, sports, drama, makela, EVERYTHING and everyone had a chance to shine and share!) Great summers, lucky the chanichim who are able to get in on the life changing experience (life-building) Great blog, great idea, is this one of the chugim?
