Every Friday morning the chanichim (campers) nearly race to the chadar ochel (dining hall) because they know what's awaiting them at the breakfast table, MUFFINS! First round muffin picks go to the chocolate chip and blueberry, next round pick goes to the poppy seed, and the third round pick goes to the corn muffin. So as we enjoyed the sweetness of the muffin to taste, our noses enjoyed the aromas wafting from the mitbach (kitchen)--the smell oh so familiar and
the closest thing to the smell of home; shabbas dinner.
The exact scent is hard to describe, it's some combination of roasted onions and baked potatoes with rosemary. It is definitely enough to excite a room for what comes later in the day.
We do spend our Fridays getting ready for Shabbat, or as we call it hachanot l'shabat. An extended avodah is part of that. We send the ashpa (trash) truck to go around and collect the garbage from all of the buildings and tzrifim (cabins) around machaneh, we mop the floors of the chadar ochel, and among other things we harvest the fresh vegetables and herbs from the gan and we live the difference between a week of work and a day of rest.
...Shabbat Shalom and Check Out until Sunday