Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Five Years Ago, Today, and Five Years from Now

Check in...

In the summer of 2005 the Sayarim (post 6th graders) wrote letters to themselves
for the summer of 2010 when they would be in Madatz (our post 11th grade counselor training program). Each of the chanichim (campers) addressed
future aspirations, the status of their friendships, and their feelings about that summer. Their madrachim (counselors) wrote letters too, addressing some of the same points including their thoughts about that kvutzah (group), what their chanichim would be doing in the summer of 2010, and what they would be doing as well. After the summer of 2005, one of their madrachim and one of their madatzim buried all of the letters and keepsakes in a large plastic tub in a secret location only to be revealed, well, today.

Time capsules happen all the time here--perhaps one every summer.
Seldom though, are those who buried the time capsules present for the follow-through and reveal. So about one foot under Galil's historically-rich ground there are probably enough letters and keepsakes from chanichim over the past 64 years to fill a museum. But this summer and this time capsule happens to be different. That particular madatz who helped bury the time capsule five years ago happens to be at Galil this summer. A former Sayarim madrich from that summer also happens to be working at Galil (not the one who buried the time capsule though, he is getting a PhD in Colorado). So at 10:45 this morning, the Madatz were lead to the secret spot with two shovels and they began to dig.

Remarkably, all but two of the madatz here this summer
had dampened, but legible, letters from their twelve-year-old selves--along with bracelets, a fan, a few pictures, and two pairs of boxer shorts (?). For the greater part of an hour, the madatzim read their letters and shared funny anecdotes with one another and with their madrachim both past and present. Now with chanichim of their own, the madatzim discussed what it takes to connect with a chanich/a that they might have trouble relating too, or try and get behind what would motivate a twelve-year-old to leave a pair of boxer shorts in a time capsule. They acknowledged the power in reconnecting with their past to better understand their present. A lot can happen in five years, perhaps in 2015 those same madatzim will be digging up time capsules that they buried in the year 2010 and then blogging about it.

...Check out



  1. To all,

    This brings back great memories.

    In 1975, when in Bonim, we built a new arch for the entrance to the camp. The leader of the project was our madrich, Howard Karies. He was amazing. Inside one of the posts we too left a time capsule.

    I was not sure whether anyone knew about this or ever opened this up. I have so many incredible memories of Camp Galil and I hope all of you are having an amzing summer.


    David Grife
    Camper from 1972-1976.
    Counselor in 1978.
    Kitchen Manager in 1979.

  2. In 1998, my Madatz tried to look for its Sayarim time capsule (I wasn't there in Sayarim). It was apparently buried behind the Sayarim/Tzofim tzrif, but they never found it. I think there was a sign with an arrow pointing to it though. Madatz 2015... that means they were born the year I was Madatz (1998). That is so weird to me. Maybe their letters will say, "I predict in 2015 a crazy scientist and a kid will arrive in a DeLorean time machine..." (sorry, couldn't resist putting that).
