Monday, July 12, 2010

World Cup 2010: They'll Call me Freedom Just Like a Waving Flag...

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Somehow we have managed to keep the results of the World Cup final secret to
everybody at Camp Galil--and it will remain a secret until the entire machaneh (camp) watches the game tonight. All of the chanichim (campers) knew it was coming, but they didn't know how big it would be until we broke World Cup Night after lunch today. There was a buzz in the chadar ochel (dining hall) as lunch ended and hodaot (announcements) began. The whistle was blown and the mayhem began. Six fully-painted
madrichim and madatzim (counselors and CITs) sprinted into the chadar ochel representing the team colors of Spain: red and yellow, and Holland: orange and white.

All of the chanichim have been split into the two teams, Holland and Spain, in an almost old-
school Maccabiah style. They are currently stationed at their team headquarters where they will get decked out in their country's colors and learn their country's cheers. And where would we be without an educational component? The headquarters is also the location where each team learns about the history of their country and the history of the World Cup tournament.
This way, when the game begins, everybody at Machaneh Galil will be ready to bring out the ruach (spirit) as we bring on the game.
We are even distributing 200 kazoos to synthesize the sound of the Vuvuzela, the iconic noisemaker horns of this years' World Cup.

This year is the second time that we have hosted a World Cup Night, a tradition we hope to continue. Yesterday with Yom Yisrael and today in South Africa, we are literally trying to give our chanichim the world. In the video, the chanichim get up to sing the K'Naan song, "Waving Flag" which amplifies in chorus,

"When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a waving flag"

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