Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dude, You Must Chill!

Check in...

Even though today was the hottest day that good ol' Ottsville, PA has seen since the summer of 2001, we are managing to get along just fine. How you may ask? Well essentially we turn yom hamsin (hot days) into yom mayim (water day).
We drink outrageous amounts of water, we play in the pool, with the hoses and sprinklers, and in our beloved creek. Everybody has to stay cool
somehow, so we have spent most of the day just...splashing around. We understand that plans need to change from time to time, and nobody really minds spending the hottest days in and around the water.

Along those lines, water bottles are the new hot commodity at Machaneh (Camp) Galil.
Everybody, literally, just has to have one. For those who don't, three tzevet (staff) members have been making the rounds all day, dropping off cool water bottles so everyone has the opportunity to get in on the newest Galil fad: hydration.
For a place that puts heavy emphasis on equality throughout our community, we couldn't deprive our tzevet and chanichim (campers) of getting in on the action! A group of people sitting together at lunch got so excited about hydration that they collectively drank over 600 ounces of water! Pretty refreshing, huh?

...Check out


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