Each morning at the end of Hitkansut Boker (the morning flag-raising) the chanichim (campers)
and madrichim (counselors) sit in front of the toran (flag pole) to enjoy a mini-hatsega (play/skit). This isn't just any ordinary hatsega, it may in fact be our punniest time of the day, we call it Ivrit Shimushit (useful Hebrew). Here's how it breaks down: At the start of each session three to four madrichim create a plot line, characters, and a theme song to frame each day based satirically on a movie or TV show. Then while following the plotline, the
characters make pun-based links to Hebrew words that may sound like other words in English. For example, the Hebrew word for "fork" is "mazleg." So the classic skit has two characters
talking about how "There is a fork in Ma's leg." Get it?
So this session's Ivrit Shimushit skit is based off of the late 90's teen film, Josie and the Pussy Cats. So on the pictures to the right, meet Shoshi veh Ha'Chatulot (Shoshi and the Cats), who have just reached rock stardom and are on a world tour playing their music. As the skit comes to an end and the Hebrew word is revealed, the madrichim call out the word in English and have
the chanichim call out the Hebrew in a call-and-response manner. The theme song for Shoshi veh Ha'Chatulot also incorporates some
ivrit shumushit, the song goes:
Take a good look and remember us baby
Nichbosh ta'Olam (taking over the world) and it's gonna be crazy.
Nichbosh ta'Olam (taking over the world) and it's gonna be crazy.
Top of the charts have a number one hit
We'll rock Galil while you learn some some ivrit
ooooooh ooooooooh
Shabbat shalom and see you on Sunday!